Monday, October 13, 2014

Let's Start The Journey!

Hello, Hello!!

Wow, can you believe it's been over 2 weeks since my last blog?  I can't.  I felt like I was on a roll with keeping up-to-date with my journey, but honestly I didn't know what to write or where to start.  

As you know I was not able to begin my IVF cycle once again, since I was still housing cysts outside of my egg makers.  We went to my doctor a few weeks ago to discuss what was next, and to see if the cysts would affect moving forward with an IVF cycle.  Well, some good news was Dr. Riggs told us he did not want to go in surgically to remove them.  One reason being they weren't large enough... Ha, seriously?!?!!  Another reason, one that I haven't mentioned before, is my egg health.  Over the summer I was tested on day 3 of my cycle for my AMH level.  AMH = Anti-Mullerian Hormone, testing of ovarian reserve.  This is a hormone that assists with follicle growth... making an egg.  According to this test, I tested low for ovarian reserve, aka, poor/low egg health.  With this said, my doctor is trying to avoid going anywhere near my ovaries until the day of egg retrieval.  As I mentioned in my last blog, The Devil's Pill, I was put back on birth control.  This time he chose the Nuva Ring, hoping the hormones would create better results by actually clearing away the cysts.  The plan turned into, you guessed it, another waiting game.  Dr. Riggs wanted us to come back in two weeks to have another ultra sound, hoping for some good news.

Here I am, two weeks later and guess what???  I'm cyst free!

Instead of going through another cycle to test for my surge, we're going to go for it.  All I need is my IVF nurse to send me my IVF forecast (it's a plan with the dates and medication amounts to prepare for my egg retrieval) and let me know when to remove the Nuva Ring.  Since we already know the cysts are gone, I will be able to start and successfully complete my IVF cycle.

As I have said before, sit back, relax and remember... be patient.  Let's start the journey!

Dr. Riggs!


  1. Great news my friend. I enjoy reading your blog so keep it up.

    1. Thank you Lee! I'm looking forward to the challenges that the next few weeks hold for me :)
